Due to the driving conditions, Holyoke Community College will have a delayed opening on Monday, Jan. 3, 2025. The college will open at 10 a.m. All classes and events before that are canceled.

AP Exam Credit

The College Board Advanced Placement Program (AP) provides participating high schools the opportunity to offer college-level coursework to students in a variety of subject areas. Upon completion of an AP course, the high school student may take an AP examination. AP scores range from 1 to 5 points. AP scores of 3, 4, and 5 are commonly acceptable as the equivalent of college-level course work.

AP exam scores & transfer credit awarded by HCC
Subject Score  HCC Course(s) Credit
Art – Studio (General or Drawing Portfolio) 3 ART 001 elective 3 credits
Art – 2D Art & Design 3 ART 125 3 credits
Art – 3D Art & Design 3 ART 126 3 credits
Art History 3 ART 001 elective 3 credits
Biology (non-majors) 3 BIO 101 4 credits
Biology for Biology/Health Sciences majors 4 BIO 107 4 credits
Calculus AB 3 MTH 113 4 credits
Calculus BC 3 MTH 113-114 8 credits
Chemistry 3 CHM 101-102 8 credits
Chemistry for CHM majors 3 CHM 121-124 8 credits
Chinese Language 3 HUM "C" Elective 3 credits
Comparative Government & Politics 3 POL 150 3 credits
Computer Science A 3 CSI 106 4 credits
Computer Science Principles 3 CSI 111 4 credits
Environmental Science 3 ENV 120 4 credits
European History 3 HIS 101-102 6 credits
French Language 3 FRH 101, FRH 102 6 credits
French Language 4 FRH 201 3 credits
French Language 5 FRH 202 3 credits
German Language 3 GER 102 3 credits
German Language 4 GER 201 3 credits
German Language 5 GER 202 3 credits
Human Geography 3 GEO 110 3 credits
Italian Language 3 HUM "C" Elective 3 credits
Japanese Language 3 HUM "C" Elective 3 credits
Latin Language 3 HUM "C" Elective 3 credits
Language/Composition 4 ENG 101 3 credits
Literature/Composition 4 ENG 101 3 credits
Both Language/Comp. & Literature/Comp. 4 ENG 101 & 3 arts/science elective credits 6 credits
Macroeconomics 3 ECN 101 3 credits
Microeconomics 3 ECN 102 3 credits
Music Theory 3 See Music Dept. Chair
3 credits
Physics I 3 PHS 101 4 credits
Physics II 3 PHS 102 4 credits
Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism 3 PHS 112 4 credits
Physics C: Mechanics 3 PHS 111 4 credits
Psychology 3 PSY 110 3 credits
Spanish Language 3 SPA 101, SPA 102 6 credits
Spanish Language 4 SPA 201 3 credits
Spanish Language 5 SPA 202 3 credits
Spanish Literature 3 SPA 211, SPA 212 6 credits
Statistics 3 MTH 142 3 credits
US Government & Politics 3 POL 110 3 credits
US History 3 HIS 111 3 credits
World History 3 HIS 103 3 credits

Click to view a PDF of this chart.

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