About the Library

The Holyoke Community College Library provides students with the assistance and resources to fulfill their classroom assignments and expand their education beyond the classroom into their daily lives. The research strategies acquired while learning to use the library will provide students with lifelong learning skills.

Our knowledgeable staff is available to work with students one-on-one, in teams, and in the classroom. Library services can be accessed in person at our service desks or by phone, email, or text message.  Located in the center of the college complex, we offer computer labs, photocopiers with scan-to-email abilities,  and both group study and quiet study areas.   Students have access to print and electronic books, online periodicals, and streaming educational videos. HCC faculty may place course material on reserve at the circulation desk for student use. The online catalog and online databases are accessible from both in the library and from off campus. Easy remote access to the Library's electronic collection means that the library is always open when you need it!

HCC is part of a newly formed network: HELM (Higher Education Libraries of Massachusetts). HELM can:

  • Support student research with a catalog that will provide more scholarly materials
  • Make it easier to borrow from other colleges
  • Use a library system that is designed to meet the needs of academic library searching, including e-resources and course reserves
  • Belong to a more compatible and academically focused community of practice
  • Align with peer Massachusetts public higher education institutions to work in a more strategic fashion and have a stronger voice in decision and policy making.

The entrance to the library is on the second floor of the Donahue building.

Holyoke Community College Library 
303 Homestead Ave.
Holyoke, MA 01040

Phone: 413.552.2372

Library Administration: 413-552-2260
Circulation Desk: 413-552-2372
Reference Desk: 413-552-2424 or library@hcc.edu
Interlibrary Loan: 413-552-2371
HCC Archivist: 413-552-2187

staff members

Name Phone E-mail (@hcc.edu)
Reference Desk (General Questions) 413-552-2424 library
Alicia Hyman 413-552-2751 ahyman
Ashley Brazier 413-552-2372 abrazier
Carl Todd 413-552-2374 ctodd
Hope Gamble 413-552-2371 hgamble
Jennifer Adams 413-552-2733 jadams
KL Pereira 413-552-2373 kpereira
Liam Brackman 413-552-2187 lbrackman
Melanie Convery 413-552-2372 mconvery
Miki Desabrais 413-552-2399 mdesabrais
Oscar Lanza-Galindo 413-552-2260 olanzagalindo
Rebecca Hardy 413-552-2261 rhardy
Printing at the Library

The library uses the same printing system as the rest of Holyoke Community College. At the start of the fall semester, everyone is given a credit of $25.00 to use for printing for the academic year. Additional money can be added to your printing account at Student Account Services, located in Room 201 in the Frost Building. Ask a librarian if you need assistance. 

Photocopy machines

There are two photocopy machines. The machine next to the circulation desk operates by coin (ten cents per page). Both machines feature "scan to e-mail" which allows digital copies to be e-mailed rather than printed (this service is free). You can then print out your copies through our computers using your printing account. They are available for use during regular library hours.


ask a librarian

Got a question? Need help finding a resource? HCC librarians are here to help.

Ask a Librarian