About HCC

Public Records

Two female nursing students using tablets together

Note: To request a transcript, please click here.

Welcome to HCC's public records section. These pages were created to aid the public in accessing records in compliance with Massachusetts Public Records Law (Chapter 66, Section 10 of the Massachusetts General Laws). It is the policy of HCC to be open as possible while protecting legitimate privacy issues. We strive to be responsive to all legal and legitimate requests for public information. Please note that some of the information you seek may be posted elsewhere on the college website. Check this section's FAQ for guidance.

While no form is required to request public information, we provide the form below for your convenience. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts also suggests language that may help expedite your request.

Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or need assistance in accessing the college's public records.

Narayan Sampath
VP Administration & Finance Records Access Officer
303 Homestead Ave. Holyoke, MA 01040

Here you'll find the college's annual independent auditor's reports, state audit reports, and HCC's MOSFA procedures report (published every three years), pursuant to the Massachusetts Office of Student Financial Assistant Compliance Attestation Guide.

State Audit Report

2014-2016 State Audit Report

Single Audit Report

2023 Single Audit Report

2022 Single Audit Report

2021 Single Audit Report

Annual Audit Reports

2024 Independent Audit

2023 Independent Audit

2022 Independent Audit

2021 Independent Audit

2020 Independent Audit

2019 Independent Audit

2018 Independent Audit

2017 Independent Audit

2016 Independent Audit

2015 Independent Audit

2014 Independent Audit

2013 Independent Audit

Massachusetts Office of Student Financial Assistant Report

2014 MOSFA Report

2011 MOSFA Report

Winning bids for public contracts:

2017-2020 Bids
2016 Bids
2015 Bids
2014 Bids

Please note: Because financial statements are issued after the close of the fiscal year, they will always be available one year later than the most recent budget.

Financials for HCC can also be found at at CTHRU, the open records website provided by the Comptroller of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

2023 Budget Financial Statement
2022 Budget Financial Statement
2021 Budget Financial Statement
2020 Budget Financial Statement
2019 Budget Financial Statement
2018 Budget Financial Statement
2017 Budget    Financial Statement
2016  Budget  Financial Statement
2015 Budget           Financial Statement
2014 Budget Financial Statement

For records that are not published on this website, please file a written request. Examples of such records include documents that have been archived or departmental files.


If you want a copy of a document or access to information that has been released already, you do not need to file a records request—we can direct you to the appropriate source. For example, salary information is available on the CTHRU Open Records Platform. Facts about the college, such as student enrollment, demographics, retention and tuition, are available on our Fast Facts page. HCC's safety and crime statistics are available here.


The Supervisor of Records' Public Access Regulations permit a charge of five cents for black and white paper copies or computer printouts of public records for both single and double-sided sheets. If a response to a public records request requires more than 4 hours of employee time, the college may assess a fee of the hourly rate of the lowest paid employee with the skills necessary to search for, compile, segregate, redact or reproduce a requested record. However, the fee may not exceed $25 an hour.


Agencies have 10 business days to respond to a request, and an additional five business days to fulfill the request in its entirety. If it is difficult for the agency to respond (for example, to broad and voluminous requests), the agency can seek an extension of time from the state Supervisor of Records, up to a maximum of 20 additional business days.


Records not subject to disclosure include:

  • Student information other than federally-defined directory information.
  • Documents whose release would invade personal privacy.
  • Employee personnel information, except name, title, and salary.
  • Anything that would require the creation of a document not already in existence.
  • Medical records.
  • Documents protected by attorney/client privileges and those related to pending negotiations.
  • Other matters whose disclosure is restricted by law.

Please note: Agencies are only obliged to provide access to existing files. Agencies are not required to create a record that does not exist.


To request employment verification (or to view your own personnel file), contact Clara Elliott, dean of human resources, at 413.552.2219 or celliott@hcc.edu.


Any current or former student at HCC may request to view or copy her/his own records by contacting the registrar. To view your own student records in a departmental office, contact the department head. Requests for information about student records of other individuals are subject to federal law which restricts the release of certain information regarding students. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) is a federal law that protects the release of certain information regarding students. Information regarding FERPA can be found here.