About HCC

People and Talent

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Please email our office or call 413.552.2554 and leave your name and contact information, and we will be in touch within 24 hours. 

Our institution strives to provide quality education to our students. As we strive to fulfill our mission, one of our primary resources is the people working for this institution. This page is built with you in mind. Here we provide you access to information regarding employment, benefits, training and development, labor, and employee relations.

We also invite prospective employees to use this site so that you can learn about the information that may impact your future, as well as the future of our students.

NEOGOV Single Sign-On
Contract Employee Approval Process
Contract Approver Process
Originating a Contract

Employment Opportunities

View current job openings at HCC.


This section is a roadmap for most of our working documents, forms, and procedures, including the HCC org. chart.

Health Insurance* Basic Life Insurance*
Optional Life Insurance* Long-term Disability Insurance*
Health Care Spending Account* Dependent Care Assistance Program*
State Employees Retirement (SERS)* Deferred Compensation Plan* (All employees)
Tax Sheltered Annuity* (All Employees) Social Security*
Employees Assistance Program* Holidays*
Dental Insurance Miscellaneous*
Optional Retirement Plan Affordable Care Act

*The following benefits are universal to all benefited employees:

Health Insurance

HCC provides a variety of health insurance plans to eligible employees, employee's spouse, and dependent children (under the age of 19) through the Group Insurance Commission. Legislation now allows coverage for dependent children age 19 and over up to age 26 (if applicable).

For additional information, click here.

Employees hired after June 30, 2003, regardless of salary, pay 25% of their monthly premium. Employees who were hired on or before June 30, 2003, pay 20% of their monthly health insurance premium. New employee coverage begins on the first day of the month following the employee’s date of hire.

Basic life insurance

Basic life insurance of $5,000 term life is offered at a low cost premium. Participants that elected health insurance coverage through HCC are automatically covered by the basic life insurance.

Optional Life Insurance

Optional life insurance is available to provide economic support for your family. This term insurance allows you to increase your coverage up to eight times your annual salary. Term insurance covers you and pays your designated beneficiary in the event of your death or certain other catastrophic events. It is not an investment policy; it has no cash value. This is an employee-pay-all benefit. Additional insurance can be purchased up to 8x annual salary, if employee so chooses.

Long-term disability insurance

Long-term disability insurance provides a tax-free income replacement payment of up to 55% of gross monthly salary after a qualified illness or injury has disabled a covered employee for 90 consecutive days. Benefits payments are reduced by certain other income sources. The minimum monthly benefit would be $100 or 10% of the gross monthly benefit amount, whichever is greater. Cost is based on age and salary.

Health Care Spending Account

Eligible employees can pay for out-of-pocket health care expenses not covered by a medical or dental plan on a pre-tax basis. During FY24, participants can contribute $250 to $3,050 through payroll deduction.

Dependent Care Assistance Program

Eligible employees can pay for qualified dependent care expenses, such as day care, after-school programs, elder day care, and day camp, on a pre-tax basis. Annual elections can be up to $5,000.

State Employees Retirement (SERS)

The State Board of Retirement administers the State Employees Retirement System (SERS), a contributory, defined benefit retirement system governed by Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 32. SERS provides retirement, disability, survivor and death benefits to members and their beneficiaries. Membership is mandatory for all benefited employees. The amount of an employee's pre-tax contribution is 9% of regular salary and an additional 2% of regular salary in excess of $30,000. For specific information visit the State Employees Retirement System

Deferred Compensation Plan – Smart Plan (All employees)

Empower Retirement administers this plan which is allowable under the Internal Revenue Code Section 457(b). All Employees, except student employees, may participate in this plan at any time.

Tax Sheltered Annuity (All employees)

Under the Internal Revenue Code Section 403(b), all employees (except student employees) are eligible to make tax-sheltered contributions through payroll deduction. The Department of Higher Education has contracts with three vendors (Fidelity, TIAA, and VALIC). Employees may participate in this plan at any time.

Commonwealth 403 (b) Plan

Contribution Limits

Social Security

Massachusetts state employees do not have Social Security taxes withheld from their earning. Employees retiring with a state pension who also are eligible for Social Security benefits may have their Social Security benefits reduced by Social Security's Windfall Elimination Provision or Government Pension Offset.

Employees Assistance Program (eap)

The ALL One Health Employee Assistance Program is available to all employees, and includes many services such as:

  • Support services that are accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year with toll-free access to services for employees, dependent children, and other household members;
  • Unlimited telephonic assessment interviews, referrals to counseling services with Master's Degree-holding EAP counselors;
  • Up to three (3) face-to-face, short-term counselor sessions per issue;
  • Two (2) critical incident stress debriefing seminars, per contract per year;
  • A mobile app with chat functionality;
  • Video counselor;
  • A  new parents' coaching program;
  • Comprehensive web-based work/life resources: parenting, aging, stress, and workplace;
  • MyLifeExpert is a secure and confidential member portal. To access the work/life app visit www.mylifeexpert.com Use company code: holyokecc

ALL One Health has been in business for more than 45 years and offers a blend of health and well-being activities. It also provides support with issues related to everyday life struggles, such as family conflict, anxiety, adoption, and eldercare, just to name a few.


12 paid holidays annually

  • New Year's Day
  • Martin Luther King Day
  • President's Day
  • Patriot's Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Juneteenth
  • Independence Day
  • Labor Day
  • Columbus Day
  • Veterans' Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Christmas Day
Miscellaneous Benefits

The Bartley Athletic Center discounted membership and free on-campus parking.

The following benefits are based on job classification:

Dental Insurance/Vision Coverage

Non-unit Professional and Non-Unit Classified Employees

New employees hired on the first day of the month are eligible for coverage on that same day, for all other hire dates, the employee is eligible for coverage on the first of the following month. Monthly dental insurance premiums for individual coverage is $22.80 and $46.50 for family coverage.

As a companion to the dental plan, VisionSavings Eyecare Program (VSEP) saves employees and their eligible dependents on regular eye exams, as well as provides discounts on eyewear at participating providers nationwide.

Faculty and Unit Professional (MCCC)

New employees hired on the first day of the month are eligible for coverage on that same day, for all other hire dates, the employee is eligible for coverage on the first of the following month.There is no monthly premium for this benefit. As a companion to the dental plan, VisionSavings Eyecare Program (VSEP) saves employees and their eligible dependents on regular eye exams, as well as provides discounts on eyewear at participating providers nationwide.

AFSCME (Classified Employee)

New employees and their eligible dependents are eligible for coverage with Mass Public Employees Fund beginning on the first day of the month, following six-months of employment. There is no monthly premium for this benefit.As a companion to the dental plan, unit members and their eligible dependents can receive coverage for routine comprehensive eye exams and eyewear from either Davis Vision Provider Network Plan or the Alternative Vision Plan.

Optional Retirement Plan

New Faculty, MCCC Unit Professionals, and Non-unit Professionals are eligible to enroll with the Optional Retirement Plan if they are not vested in the State Retirement System. The Department of Higher Education administers the Optional Retirement Plan (ORP), a defined contribution plan that provides income based on the investment performance of your individual account balance, which you decide how to invest. The amount of an employee's pre-tax contribution is 9% of regular salary and an additional 2% of regular salary in excess of $30,000. The Optional Retirement Plan providers are Fidelity and TIAA. A new employee has one hundred and eighty days to decide between enrolling with the State Retirement and the ORP. Once a decision has been made, it is irrevocable.

Affordable care act

The Federal Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires that all employees receive this notice to help them understand health insurance Marketplaces, which were set up to make it easier for consumers to compare health insurance plans and enroll in coverage. In Massachusetts, the state Marketplace is known as the Massachusetts Health Connector. Please take a look at the Marketplace Notice for complete information. 

Notice of Affordable Care Act

Affordable Care Act - Health Insurance Marketplace Question & Answer

HCC recognizes and appreciates the valuable contribution adjunct faculty members make in the education of our students. The enhanced teaching styles you bring into the classroom, supplemented with your work experience outside the educational institution, greatly benefit our students in preparation for their future endeavors.

If you have any questions regarding your employment at HCC, please feel free to contact Christine Gosselin-Miller at cgosselin-miller@hcc.edu or 413.552.2568.

HCC Email

All DCE communication – including your teaching contract(s) – will be sent via your HCC email address. Please use your HCC email account on a regular basis so you don't miss important messages. Any problems with your HCC email account should be reported to the Help Desk at helpdesk@hcc.edu or 413.552.2075.

DCE/MCCC Agreement

The DCE/MCCC Agreement is designed to inform you of your rights and obligations as an adjunct faculty member. The MCCC office staff is ready to help you with any inquiries at 877.442.6222 (toll-free).

Online Payment of Dues

Based on the United States Supreme Court Decision "Janus vs. AFSCME," agency or union dues are no longer a condition of employment. If you wish to belong to the union, for your convenience, online payment by credit card or authorization of payroll deduction is recommended. You may also call the MCCC office to check on your account and/or discuss payment options at 877.442.6222.

Adjunct Pay Schedule

Adjunct faculty are paid in the regular HR/CMS bi-weekly payroll distribution beginning with the second payroll of the semester, and in bi-weekly equal installments thereafter until the final payroll date within the semester. Adjuncts teaching a different schedule during the fall/spring semester and those teaching during the summer session are paid bi-weekly beginning with the second payroll following the start of their class(es) and ending in the payroll following the end of their class(es).

Access to your payroll account information is available 24/7 on the Commonwealth employee self service site. If you need assistance with your ID number to access your account, please contact the College's Payroll Manager at 413.552.2209.

Textbook Orders

Order your textbooks as soon as possible to ensure that your students can acquire their books or codes in time for the start of classes. Navigate to Faculty & Staff to access the textbook adoption form that can then be filled out and submitted. Should you have any questions, please contact Sara Avery at sm4381@bncollege.com.

Unemployment Benefits

When you are separated from your employment at HCC, you may be eligible to file for unemployment benefits. More information and the claim form can be found here.

Tax Sheltered Annuity

Under the Internal Revenue Code Section 403(b), all employees (except student employees) are eligible to make tax-sheltered contributions through payroll deduction. The Department of Higher Education has contracts with seven vendors. Employees may participate in this plan at any time.

Affordable Care Act (ACA)

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is preparing for the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) which requires that all employers provide the opportunity to enroll in health care coverage to all employees working 130 hours or more per month or 30 hours per week on average.

In order to assess our responsibility and to define reporting parameters for non-standard positions, the Commonwealth, in concert with the Department of Higher Education, has developed and is implementing a new process for reporting. This process involves a calculation of an hourly rate which is the contract goal amount divided by the contract duration (weeks) divided by the number of Standard Hours. Standard hours are credit hours multiplied by two. The value of 2.5 hours per credit hour is a placeholder for the sole purpose of ACA and is subject to collective bargaining and/or to comply with forthcoming IRS regulations.

Your compensation and workload are not affected by this designation. You will still receive your contractual compensation in the time period as defined by your campus.

This information is regarding College policies as well as federal and state laws governing employee time and attendance. 

Administrators/supervisors should routinely discuss with their staff their expectations about setting regular schedules, the time of meal and rest breaks, and the process for requesting and approving vacation and sick leave, etc. It is vitally important that supervisors and employees clearly communicate and establish specific expectations regarding timekeeping, scheduling, attendance, and leave. All college faculty and staff are expected to be familiar with and follow current college policies.

When possible, requests for vacation and/or time off will be granted as requested by staff members. However, staff members must bear in mind that operating the College and/or office within requires an adequate number of trained.  

Staff members should request vacation, personal, and compensation time off as far in advance as possible. Vacation time will be granted based on a "first come, first served" basis. In other words, the first staff member to request a specific date for vacation time will be granted that date, as long as the department's staffing needs allow. The procedure for requesting vacation time will be as follows. Staff members will make the request in writing to the Supervisor. All requests should be submitted on the "Requests for vacation and other absences" form. Supervisor must approve all vacation time and forward signed form to the employee.   

Time Records

Accurate records of time worked are essential for all employees. Submission of inaccurate records by employees and approval of inaccurate records by supervisors will result in disciplinary action.

Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that accurate time records are kept of hours worked for each employee. The time record must be approved by both the employee and the supervisor and submitted on time for each biweekly pay period. 

Supervisors are responsible for establishing and assigning a work schedule for staff under their supervision. 

Non-Exempt & Exempt Employment Status

All AFSCME positions are classified as non-exempt from the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act. Non-exempt employees are paid on a wage basis for all hours worked and compensated at overtime rates of pay for all qualified overtime hours. AFSCME employees may be authorized, upon their request, to receive compensatory time off in lieu of overtime. Timekeeping procedures for non-exempt employees are essential compliance with overtime pay regulations, as well as requirements for meal and rest periods.

Exempt staff employees are paid an established bi-weekly salary and are expected to fulfill the duties of their positions even if that requires working beyond regularly scheduled hours. Non-Unit Professionals are not eligible to receive overtime pay or compensatory time off.

MCCC Unit Professionals are required to receive compensatory time for hours worked beyond 37.5 hours.

Break & Meal Periods

Break and lunch period should not be skipped to shorten the work day.

Supervisors are responsible for making certain that non-exempt employees are allowed the prescribed meal periods and rest periods and that the breaks are scheduled to best meet the needs of the department and/or program.



It is the responsibility of the Holyoke Community College faculty and staff to ensure that time and attendance reporting procedures are followed throughout the College and that designated employees are delegated with appropriate authority when administrators are absent from work.

Designated employees authorized to approve time and attendance records are, in effect, authorizing an expenditure involving public funds. The employee making an expenditure decision involving public funds is responsible for the good judgment and lawfulness of the expenditure.

Standards & Practices

HCC is ethically and legally required to pay its employees correctly and promptly correct mistakes, errors, and omissions that may have occurred during the payroll processing cycle. 

It is important that employees are neither overpaid nor underpaid. The accuracy of paychecks and payroll related payments, as well as the data integrity of leave balances and associated accounting transactions and records, are dependent upon the accuracy of the time and attendance records. 

Administrators shall ensure designated employees are knowledgeable of, understand and receive training in the statutes, rules, policies, and procedures that govern safeguarding confidential information, ethical, and professional conduct. 

Time & Attendance Review & Approval 

Employees are expected to prepare and present accurate and timely documentation of their time and attendance based on their status under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and the respective collective bargaining agreements. 

The requirement to report actual hours worked or the eligibility for compensatory time or overtime is dependent on the employee's FLSA status or the applicable collective bargaining agreements for represented employees, Human Resources and State Policies. By signing/submitting a time and attendance report, the employee is attesting to the accuracy and truthfulness of the time reported. 

Managers, supervisors, or designated employees shall ensure that the review and approval of the time and attendance records are accurate and timely.

Self Service
SSTA Login